Monday, September 14, 2009

In search of...

Anyone knows where to get pretty MJ tables? *Grinz* not contented with the usual ones. Any suggestion would be much appreciated!

Home-decor in progress...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Centerpiece of Kitchen

As Ween had said, it doesnt matter if we use it or not, whats important is that it look pretty on the kitchentop, hah, I m sold and indulge in a KA mixer as well. To make myself feel less guilty, I did wait till the Mayer Warehouse Sale and got it. Initially I was so hoping to get red bcos most of the small kitchen accessories (ie peeler, zester, whisk) I got in America and bought it home with me are all fine-engine red. Turns out RED is never on sale...bumpers. I was standing there for the longest time, contemplating to get the pink 1, so sweet that it remind me of a doll-house kitchen appliance.

Anyhow I decided my kitchen is too pretty for me to cook =p

Monday, August 24, 2009


My grandmother-in-law had passed on, in her sleep, when I closed my eyes, I will just picture her in her usual chair in the living room, facing the main door, greeting everyone coming home with a smile.

I am so grateful for the little time I had since coming back from US, to buy some snacks for her, spend some time with her, talked to her about K.

She is in a better place now, looking down on us, wishing the best for all of us. She had been well cared and loved by all of us. She will always be on our mind and in our prayers.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy, I am!

Time fast, it has been 1 month and 2 weeks since I am back.
Busy, busy, busy. Finding a job, doing some touch-up to the flat, buying furnitures and catching up with friends. Also, praying for Pensacola to be blessed with good weather so my hubby can come home soon!

Lastly, I would highly recommend a Nutella tart for all Nutella lovers out there. This was also probably the last sweet treat I made in my tiny toaster oven in Pensacola. I am so grateful the oven did not give up on me in this past year. This recipe is from Mandy, a fellow Singaporean whom I did not get a chance to meet up in USA sadly. I wish her much success in her new-found career!

Thursday, July 2, 2009



1) learnt how to cook and fed my hubby without any major case of poisoning
2) hate doing dishes
3) enjoy marital bliss
4) visited the Big Apple, had the best meal for our 1 yr wedding anniversary
5) had many wonderful roadtrips- Chicago, Miami, Houston, New Orleans, North Carolina, Orlando
6) love love Disney World, easily my favourite place in the whole of America
7) had an awesome holiday with my best friends in California
8) made dear friends whom I will miss
9) am home!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Yellow serimuka!
I still have a big bottle of custard powder leftover from making my pineapple tarts, this is absolutely perfect for me! The taste is the same but still I couldnt make it as high as it should be (my stove is still unbalanced, argh).

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Goh

Aunty SS had very kindly invited the whole gang to her house to celebrate Alex's 23rd birthday, with a ice-cream cake no less! Look at how happy the birthday boy is!